zaterdag 16 november 2013

The MMK treatment

Feeling too young for botox? Do you prefer natural based products instead of chemicals? Then this might be interesting for you!
MMK – or Multi Mineral Complex is a homeopathic based multi mineral complex that is good for your skin!
It is injected subcutaneously with a tiny meso therapy needle, feeding your skin.
Leaving it smoother, healthier , with a radiant glow,  AND preventing wrinkles.
Sadly it doesn’t take away already existing  wrinkles -for that you still need botox. But hey! Prevention is more important then fixing the problem.
It’s also perfect for your cleavage or -decollete which is a part often forgotten.
It’s for men and women from 18 years and older. -Yes guys it’s good for you too!!

The first 2 sessions are done 15 days apart, then you continue maximum once a month or whenever you feel like getting your vitamin cocktail.
The procedure is very quick, easy an not too painful My pain level is not so high, so I find it a bit stingy ,but others claim they hardly feel it. Vitamins in general tend to leave a litlle burning sensation when injected.
It’s very well combined with a facial. The facial that is offered with these MMK shots include;
 *a facial cleansing with propolis milk
 *a scrub with a special coffee & honey blend (cafeine works wonders for fatigued skin)
 *and an aloe vera mask you can leave on and will soothe your skin after the injections. 
All products are natural.

For men and women in Colombia and other countries in South-america it’s like getting a pedicure.
I have heard the same about countries like ; Indonesia.Thailand, Turkiye and even China. And now it’s available in the Netherlands as well.Cost per treatment starts at €51 and if you keep an eye on my Facebook page and Twitter you will find discounts, promotions and offers from time to time.
 -For more information please mail: or check out our
Make sure to join our mailinglist if you like to receive news in your inbox!

P.S. As seen on the picture: new collagen (natural) has arrived too! Make sure to order if you don't want to mis out! (only a few left!)

vrijdag 1 november 2013

Calibelleza Beautytours

Plastic Surgery High season has begun. When autumn starts, more and more people are getting back to their normal day’s life and seek beauty treatments before Christmas starts. We get a lot of requests for plastic surgery in this period from people from all over the world.
Calibelleza offers 3 different kind of packages; The easy, VIP and Beautytours!
Today we are talking a bit more about the beautytours.
Beauty tours are the number 1 most sought package deals, and Calibelleza is the first and only one to offer these beautytours to clients!
A lot of people are terrified of travelling alone, let alone travelling to Colombia. Many times I have gotten the question: “Is it ok to bring my; friend,husband,wife,boy or girlfriend,kids,mom -and yes, even dad”? Sure! Bring who you want to bring,  BUT know this; It’s not going to do ANYTHING for your recovery..
Well maybe just get you more stressed out. Because who you are bringing a long is going to be bored and you are going to be in pain.
Leaving a lot of frustarations, doing NO good for your recovery.
So you’re thinking;”Hmmmm okay….But still I do not want to go alone”.I understand that and with you a lot of other like minded people. Wanting to go-but not alone. My solution? A beauty tour!

What is a beautytour?
A beauty tour is when I connect you with other people wanting plastic surgery and we -yes we-will travel all together in small groups to Colombia so that I can guide you from the beginning ,which starts at the airport, and get everything prepared for surgery, untill you are leaving to the airport again where I will make sure you are comfortably on your flight back home. We do this in small groups and everybody is going through the same thing creating a bond which often lead to lifetime friendships. In a small period of time you will; laugh and cry toghether. And when you are feeling somewhat better we can take trips to the mall,restaurants or cinema.

For who is a beautytour?
Beautytours are for people who are hesitant to travel alone to Colombia.Alsofor people that don’t speak spanish.Sadly to say, in Colombia they speak hardly english meaning that if you don’t speak Spanish you can feel quite alone.

When can I book a beauty tour?
Beautytours are held about 3 times per year. On the website we will anounce the dates.
if you have a friend or family member that wants to undergo a procedure as well then you can initiate a beautytour on the date that is convenient for both of you.
On tour I am there to translate most parts for you, making sure you get what you want. So the pro’s of beauty tours are many and that’s why they’re so popular.

Do you see yourself joining?
for more information, please check our website: